Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Sound Entry #4 - Soundwalk in Brighton

This is the sound walk homework. I have done travelling from a train station to another and then going outside. I used a Marantz and a clip on mic to record the sound. I took the clip on mic as it was a little more covert than the K6 microphone. I still had the headphones and Marantz around my neck so I got a couple funny looks but it was interesting to use the equipment outside of campus where if you saw people wearing this equipment, you'd assume they're doing media or something along those lines. However, outside the campus, I'm sure people thought it just looked more odd. 

It was interesting to see what affected the audio as well. Whilst we were testing out the equipment on campus, it was quite late. Around 4-5 PM. So there wasn't many people around so it was relatively quiet to capture the sounds we wanted to. However outside, I picked up peoples conversations and it was quite annoying that a guy stood right behind me and opened up a bag of crisps and loudly ate them. This was all picked up on the recorder and so I had to move away from him. 

Here is the sound recording I made:

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