Sunday, 1 March 2015

Video Entry #11 - Pre-production

After sitting down and talking with my group, we can up with a brain storm surrounding the mouth and the ideas that could go into it. We also then made a list of possible people to interview. We decided it would be best to keep in contact via Facebook as we had each other as friends on there. The images below document this.

After looking through and finding suitable people to email from our list, I received a couple responses. Although it's a lot less than I expected. I thought I sent out between 20-30 emails. But I've received 6. It's okay though, as most who responded were willing to help. I have screen-shotted the responses and put them below: 

Our group met up during reading week and we've talked about and narrowed it down to who we're going to interview. I've taken the piercing company, Punktured Piercing, in the Brighton. Other members of the group are going for the dentist and we're going to find a singer and someone who's in the linguistics profession. We will email professors on campus for the last two. We also talked about what cutaways were needed. Again, image below shows this.

At the moment, we do have a list of questions we're going to ask our interviewees, however I've been dwelling on something Peter said. He mentioned that our documentary just focusing on what the mouth is could get boring and dull. And I agree with him. We came up with the questions quickly but whilst interviewing people out in Brighton for my sound, people say a lot of the same things. So people watching the documentary will know the mouth is used for communication and eating, so why would we discuss the topic you know? Peter mentioned about throat singing, people using clicking to communicate and helping stroke victims by bringing their hand to their mouth. These are all interesting, so I will mention to the group that we need to know where we're focusing. 

I like the idea of exploring that the mouth can be used to decorate and make peoples personalities flourish. For example, a woman wearing black lipstick could be seen as being of the gothic crowd and she decorates her mouth that way. I think it would be interesting to follow this up, especially with the piercing company I've got as they could say a lot of alternate thinking people get lip piercings or maybe it's become more mainstream and that it used to more for the people who were classed as alternative. But again, I think we need a session where we just brainstorm where we're going and storyboard on how we're going to do it. 

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